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[GREG2\]WEDGE [Top|Bottom|Left|Right [Size]] [/SCALING Lin|Log|Equ
Min Max] [/LEVEL [Label] ]
Will plot a WEDGE along the current BOX. WEDGES are used after a PLOT
command to show the relationship between pixel hues and image values.
The default position is Right, i.e., on the right side of the box, but
the other location and size modifiers are self-explanatory. The SCALING
defaults to the current scaling of the last image PLOTted, but can be
changed (as in command PLOT) with the /SCALING option.
The /LEVEL option will draw levels (as defined by the LEVEL command) at
their appropriate location on the wedge. The modifier Label will label
the wedge axis with the level values. This is the default (i.e., some
levels should be defined) for the EQUALIZATION Mode, for which the rela-
tionship between pixel hues and image values is strongly non-linear.
Gildas manager