[GREG2\]WRITE Item File_Name [/TABLE [X Nx] [Y Ny] [Z Nz]] This command is used to saves some GreG internal buffers on an output file for later processing. The item specifies what is to be saved, and the format of saving, and can be : - POLYGON Saves the current polygon in formatted way on two columns easily readable by command COLUMN or POLYGON later. The default ex- tension is .POL. - RGDATA Saves the current Regular Grid array on a RGDATA-like out- put file (to preserve the result of a masking, or of a random map- ping interpolation). The default extension is .DAT. - IMAGE Same as above but uses the more efficient and complete IM- AGE data format of GILDAS. The default extension is .GDF. - COLUMN Saves the current X Y Z buffers on a formatted output file (after a SORT or a STRIP for example). The default extension is .DAT. [GREG2\]WRITE COLUMN File_Name [NEW]/TABLE [X Nx] [Y Ny] [Z Nz] also saves the X Y Z buffers but on column Nx, Ny, Nz of the specified output table (GILDAS format). A new table is created if argument NEW is specified, otherwise the table must already exists. The table may be ex- panded if any of Nx, Ny or Nz exceed the table column number ; exact match on the number of lines is required. The tables can be read by com- mand COLUMN /TABLE.