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MIRA\SCAN scan [/TRACKING trackingError] [/COMPRESS integTim]
[/TAU tau1 [tau2 ...]] [/PWV h2omm]
[/SUBSCAN first last] [/BACKEND backend1 backend2 ...]
[/DROP ignoreBackend1 ignoreBackend2 ...]
Loads a scan from the current index list. ALL frontend-backend combinations
used are loaded. A list of identification numbers for the frontend-backend
combinations is issued. For calibrations, MIRA\SCAN also computes the
calibrations parameters, and writes them to the screen. The calibration
parameters for VESPA basebands are individually computed; however, the
screen output is for mean values across all basebands corresponding to one
NOTE: (1) MIRA\FIND is not anymore a prerequisite for command MIRA\SCAN (see
for FIND).
(2) After commands OVERRIDE (for calibrationts) or changing the value
logical flag timingCheck the scan needs to be read again in order to v
new settings.
SCAN /TRACKING trackingError Backend dumps with azimuth- or elevation tracki
errors larger than trackingError (in degree)
are flagged (i.e. attributed the blanking value
for raw data).
SCAN /COMPRESS dumpTime Allows to compress large data sets (e.g. with
too short a dump time). If the new dump time
is not an integer multiple of the uncompressed
dump time, command SCAN rounds the compression
factor to the next integer.
SCAN /TAU tau1 tau2 ... For calibration scans. Keeps the opacity fixed
at values tau1 tau2 ... for frontend-backend
numbers 1,2,..., and calculates the
corresponding calibration.
SCAN /PWV h2omm For calibration scans. Keeps the atmospheric
water vapour fixed at value h2omm and calculate
the corresponding calibration for all connected
frontend-backend units.
SCAN /SUBSCAN first last Only reads in subscans "first" to "last".
SCAN /BACKEND backend1 backend2 ... Only reads in backend1, backend2, e
SCAN /DROP ignoreBackend1 ignoreBackend2 ... Ignores listed backend for read
Gildas manager