The VizieR database is hosted and developped by the CDS.
This version of VizieR was released in November 2010.
1 Some useful hints for the VizieR usage
- 4 methods to search catalog:
- By target name (resolved by Sesame) or position
- By words using free text or predefined keywords
(it includes author, catalog name, title, description, etc.)
- By contents to search a type of data inside catalogs
(search a catalogs containing a table which have a column with
a given type (see UCD))
- By Browsing modes
by using lists or map maintened by the CDS.
The 3 first methods can be combined.
- Interoperability with external softwares:
- The interaction with the Portal.home enable you
to save the VizieR results into a personalized account.
This storage enable you to navigate inside the differents
CDS services.
- An XML output format (votable) enable you to
reuse VizieR results with softwares compatible with the
IVOA.home specifications.
- If your browser accepts JAVA, you can send your results directly
compatible softwares.
- The FITS format
for astronomically-oriented applications is available.
- Finally, output format like TSV (tab-separated values)
could be used with your favorite spreadsheet.
- Operations on catalogs:
- A set of catalogs can be joined into a single table if they have
a common column with an identical name.
- You can make a crossmatch between 2 or more tables of a set of
catalogs (however, the number of resulting rows is truncated to a
fixed number)
- An external list of constraintscan
be used to query 1 (or more) catalog(s).
- The VizieR navigation bar at the left of the page is available throughout
your navigation. It remembers your choices and enable you to
modify the output.
Currently the VizieR application use the
POST method to
This approach can be problematic for bookmarking. However, you can save your
result with using the
Portal.home; or click on the image

(in the
VizieR navigation bar ) to update the current Page in a
GET form.
2 Overview
A query in VizieR can be achieved:
The result layout can be modified in all steps described above
A tutorial
presents the basic VizieR functionnalities.
last update: 13 Feb 2024