The data obtained at Plateau de Bure are stored in files of extension
IPB. The parameters derived from the calibration are stored in
files of extension hpb (or header files). A naked version
of these files can be created with the option Open raw data file
(Figure ) in the CLIC menu (Figure
First of all, the location of the raw data (IPB files) must be
defined, either by clicking in RAW DATA DIRECTORIES (see Figure
) or within the .gag.dico gildas file. In the
IRAM project accounts (see Sect.
) the location of the
raw data is already predefined. A raw data file must be selected among
the Project_Date choices. OPEN and FIND opens this file
and proposes a standard name for the output file. CREATE HEADER
FILE creates a hpb file ready to calibrate the data in
antenna-based mode. By default Mode (in the widget) is NEW, and
so a new hpb file is created each time. By selecting OLD,
visibilities can be added to an existing hpb file, which is very
convenient if observations were contiguous in time.
In this and the following widgets there are at the top the options
GO and ABORT. GO is aimed to run all the options
proposed as clickable buttons, from left to right, with no stop. In
general, its use is only recommended for the First Look (see
Sect. ). ABORT closes the widget and returns
to the parent widget.
As mentioned in Sect. , the hpb files resulting
from the PdB pipeline calibration are given in the directory reports. We recommend not to use them to create the final uv-tables since, for the time being, they were not created with this
purpose and so may include severe flags or artifacts due to a further
AoD analysis.